Tarot came into presence in the mid of 15th century in the various parts of Europe. From the late 18th century till the present time it is used as a spiritual divination tool which is a form of art that reveals the innermost thoughts or feelings of person might be going through at that time and can assist one in making changes or decisions related to health, career, relationships and various other aspects of life. The 78 cards in the tarot deck give us the direction and fresh perspective on one's life struggle, desires, goals, and relationships. We also provide tarot card classes to the one who is interested in the same.
Negative Energy Healer the negative usage of energy by the ill-minded humans. People who want to take revenge on someone or jealous of their colleagues and relatives growth usually take the help of Negative Energy Healer experts and make them trouble by affecting them physically, emotionally and mentally by creating blockages in the energy levels. Here, we make use of different healing techniques to remove all the blockages created with the Negative Energy Healer. After taking our effective services, clients start experiencing the positive changes in their physical and mental health soon. The procedure of healing therapy is most authentic and around 5000 years old.
Reiki is a Japanese technique used for stress reduction and relaxation that promotes healing. It gives productive strengths to bones and nerves to be more active by which body becomes fit and gets in fit. This technique puts a body in divine high power and it touches people personally. Reiki leaves the positive effects and also balances the body. After the Reiki session, life becomes stress-free and a person gets developed a personality. We also provide reiki classes which usually start with a brief discussion of Reiki and your personal Reiki experiences. A quick recap of the first and second-degree courses can also be done if needed.
Automatic writing also is known as the spirit writing which is a psychic gift and one of the easiest psychic abilities to establish. Automatic writing is a way to channel the information and spirit energy through writing. It is an ability to enable the intuition from outside of you to flow through you. Automatic is kind of intuition which has been around for thousands of years. Spirit writing gives you the correct guidance and direction. When you experience automatic writing, you may hear your voice, another voice or nothing. Sometimes there may be more than one spirit present. You just have to try to keep an elevated and calm attitude.
Numerology is the science of numbers used to evaluate the trend in your life and predict your future. This technique indicates the signposts of your life. It also helps in understanding yourself and thereby making use of the opportunities you encounter. In Numerology, there are numbers of values assigned to each letter of the alphabet. Language and number are the means of communicating thoughts and two bears the close relationship to each other. We also provide numerology classes you will be able to greater insight and understand your inner being and true nature. These classes give a new asset point and information about how numerology can give you a greater insight into your strengths.
All living things that need oxygen to survive have an aura. They create a large magnetic energy field which can be sensed, felt and even seen around the physical body. On the other hands, chakras are the energy points along with the central meridian of the body. Chakra is an ancient Sanskrit term that means 'circle' or 'wheel' and it is generally used to refer to the specific energy centres along the body's meridian. Mainly, the aura is cleansed to remove stagnant emotional debris to make a way for the deeper work. The cleansing is done through the co-creative science energetic processes.
Lama Fera is an energetic healing system which has been practicing by the Tibetan lamas for hundreds of years. The word 'Lama' refers to Sadguru, and 'Fera' means healing technique. It is considered as the most effective healing technique used for physic problems. This technique removes the negative energies, spirits, the evil eye of the person and offices, factories, shop etc. Also, it helps in removing the pressure of thoughts and increases the vital energies of the body. The Lama Fera healing can increase the spiritual abilities, relieve pain and discomfort caused by chronic disease, overcome fear, anxiety and also help you in connecting with the higher self.
Theta healings is a technique designed to remove a person's limiting subconscious beliefs to open the door for physical healings. People who are suffering from diabetes, migraines, muscle or ligament damage, theta healing can help them expedite the body's healing processes. While physical and emotional problems can be helped by using the Theta Healing, other problems may also be resolved. These include addictions to drugs, alcohol, tobacco, caffeine, and chocolate. Theta healing is generally based on the fact that your conscious and unconscious beliefs directly impact your emotional well beings. During the session of theta healing, negative beliefs are uncovered and then replaced with the positive beliefs
The access bar is an amazing treatment which includes the gently touching of 32 points on your head. This supposedly releases anything that does not allow you to receive. These points contain all the ideas, thoughts, emotions, beliefs and considerations that one have stored in the lifetime. Access bar healing technique has assisted thousands of people to change many aspects of their lives. People report weight loss, better health, ease of sleep, relief from anxiety, better sex and relationships, less stress and much more. During the session, a trained practitioner lightly touches the points on your head which discharge the electromagnetic charge that gets locked in our brains by feelings, thoughts, and emotions.
There are some individuals who have impulsive flashbacks amid the waking state. Past life memories may also show up in dreams or amidst the meditation. The most beneficial way to review the past life is to have a session with the skilled and specialized past-life regression therapist. Past life regression therapy is a comprehensive treatment which actually works with the body, feelings, brain, and soul. In this session, the therapist guides you back to the time of before birth in this lifetime in order to find the main reasons for issues you might be experienced in the present and heal them. This may consist of unrelieved diseases, sexual dysfunction, addictions, repeating bad dreams, fear of death and much more.
Vashikaran Specialist in Mumbai- Hypnotherapist is a form of psychotherapy that is used to develop a change in the patient in a state of sleep on unconsciousness. The therapy itself used guided relaxation techniques from a trained hypnotist that invoke the feelings of concentration, intense relaxation or focus to achieve a heightened state of awareness. This therapy is commonly used as an aid to psychotherapy due to the relaxed nature brought on by the hypnotic state which allows people to explore the painful and suppressed feelings, emotions that are hidden from their conscious minds. The method of hypnosis is not only meant to cure or directly change a patient's behaviour but it is meant to locate a cause and treat it through the hypnotherapy.
Love Relationship Counsellor in Mumbai- Family Constilations is a powerful method to help you recognise difficult entanglements, both in your family of origin as well as in your present family or relationship. Solution-oriented interventions bring understanding, which is followed by a deep relaxation that allows love to flow again between members of the family system. Systemic Family Therapy was first developed by the German therapist, Bert Hellinger. In this therapeutic approach, we consider the individual as part of a greater whole – a family system – rather than as a separate entity. His individual behaviour, feelings and attitudes, have to be understood in the context of this larger group. As in any other system, unspoken laws operating within the family guide behaviour that we, as family members.
“ With the aim to eliminate all forms of environmental stress and Vastu defects, Giriraj Holistic Healer provides Vastu consultancy & remedial services without structural demolition to generate positive transformations in your home, site location, places of worship and business sectors. We strive to create a harmonious atmosphere that supports your health, happiness, prosperity and fulfilment through
Spiritual Services. Regardless of their utilities, all the complexes are well-planned as per Vastushastra in adherence to Architectural science, considering the Government bye-laws and a practical approach as per your requirements...”
With the aim to eliminate all forms of environmental stress and Vastu defects, Giriraj Holistic Healing provides Vastu Shastra & remedial services to generate positive transformations in your home, site location, places of worship and business sectors. We strive to create a harmonious atmosphere that supports your health, happiness, prosperity and fulfillment through Dr.Mamta Jadhav. Regardless of their utilities, all the complexes are well-planned as per Vastu Shastra in adherence to Architectural science, considering the Government bye-laws and a practical approach as per your requirements. Dr. Mamta Jadhav is known for Love relationship healer in mumbai she is best numerologist in mumbai running a successful reiki healing centre in mumbai also treating people as a black magic healer in mumbai. Dr. Jadhav is famous tarot card reader in mumbai, psychic reader in mumbai, reiki healer in mumbai, black magic specialist in mumbai. If you believe in vashikaran then She is finest vashikaran specialist in mumbai, Love Relationship Counsellor in Mumbai, numerologist in mumbai, tarot card reader in mumbai, best reiki healer in mumbai. For more information contact us and book your appointment.
Vastu for Health: Now a days most of the residents are searching the ways for good health and maintaining good food habits and daily arranging time for morning walk. The center of the house, workplace as well as that of each and every room is very important as it is connected with health and is considered to be the heart of the house or workplace. Center means Brahmasthan, this would be the meeting point of all the energies from different directions of the home. Physically we may take health cautions to our body or our home, its also an effort to make good health vastu home. Read our below attempts. You can reap health benefits with MahaVastu in your home itself. Certainly, this is not meant for replacing Medical Science. Since Ayurveda, and Yoga are founded on the same philosophy, i. ....
Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It is administered by "laying on hands" and is based on the idea that an unseen "life force energy" flows through us and is what causes us to be alive. If one's "life force energy" is low, then we are more likely to get sick or feel stress, and if it is high, we are more capable of being happy and healthy. The word Reiki is made of two Japanese words - Rei which means "God's Wisdom or the Higher Power" and Ki which is "life force energy". So Reiki is actually "spiritually guided life force energy." A treatment feels like a wonderful glowing radiance that flows through and around you. Reiki treats the whole person including ....
The Theta Healing technique is a meditation technique and spiritual philosophy - not specific to one religion but accepting them all - with the purpose of getting closer to the Creator. It is a training method for your mind, body and spirit that allows you to clear limiting beliefs and live life with positive thoughts, developing virtues in all that we do. Through meditation and prayer, the ThetaHealing Technique creates a positive lifestyle. The ThetaHealing technique is always taught to be used in conjunction with conventional medicine. It teaches how to put to use one's own natural intuition, relying upon unconditional love of Creator Of All That Is to do the actual “work.” We believe by changing your brain wave cycle to include the “Theta” state, you ....
Tarot Card Reading is an interactive divination system that uses a set of psychological archetypes represented by a deck of 78 Tarot cards to stimulate intuition and evoke new insights. Tarot cards stimulate the subconscious part of your mind, the place where psychic abilities lie. Giving yourself and others Tarot readings will enhance your native psychic powers. Tarot will also help you make better decisions around the kinds of problems that logic can't handle. Kavita Pandit uses her Tarot Card Deck and Psychic Abilities to provide insightful readings to the clients and classifies the derivation of the trouble and after thorough understanding, she then endow with the best possible solutions. She has Consultations of Tarot Card Reading, Angel Card Rea ....
Past life regression work goes hand in hand with theories of reincarnation and Karma. There really is nothing to fear from the concept of reincarnation. Today over half the world’s population endorses this belief -- for good reason. There is a great sense of serenity that comes from knowing that the deepest parts of ourselves will always exist, that we are much more that just our current physical bodies, and that we have many opportunities to master human existence and learn the lessons we are here to learn. Though reincarnation has been studied scientifically only during recent times, the possibility that we live many lives has been accepted on faith since ancient times. If one studies the ancient indigenous cultures of Africa, Asia, North America, South America and Australia, on ....
Vashikaran Specialist in Mumbai- Hypnosis is a scientifically verified and effective technique that can promote accelerated human change. With Hypnosis, we can create desired changes in behavior and encourage mental and physical well-being. Learn how to guide yourself and others to lose weight, quit smoking and be free of physical pain. These programs are especially suited for health care professionals, practicing therapists, and all individuals seeking to make a positive change in their lives. ....
Love Relationship Counsellor in Mumbai- Family Constilations is a powerful method to help you recognise difficult entanglements, both in your family of origin as well as in your present family or relationship. Solution-oriented interventions bring understanding, which is followed by a deep relaxation that allows love to flow again between members of the family system. Systemic Family Therapy was first developed by the German therapist, Bert Hellinger. In this therapeutic approach, we consider the individual as part of a greater whole – a family system – rather than as a separate entity. His individual behaviour, feelings and attitudes, have to be understood in the context of this larger group. As in any other system, unspoken laws operating within the family guide behaviour that we, as family members, are l ....